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AYUDA: alguien sabe la entrada para las aguilas alphas, lo e intentado de varias formas y no funciona

HELP: does anyone know the entrance for the alpha eagles, I have tried several ways and it doesn't work

Is there a guide that leads you to the best ending for every character because I just lost Aerin and I think it's because I just didn't talk to her soon enough 😭. I don't want any of em to die but I already got so far in this current playthrough without saving so backtracking would take a while.

Call me lazy but I fr just want the best out of it


I gotchu rh my guy

Prime reasons why I make a new save when there's some type of choice in a lot of these games... save regularly, something happens, reload save and see what other choice affects thing. Doesn't work for some games that have a web of choices though, like if you make a decision early in game but find out it affects something like 5 hours of playing later... hope the lil walk-through the other person posted helps because I might just have to give it a look when I finally try this game.


I feel like I'm the only one asking for this, but please bless us with more Aerin content 😭


Finally, another great game discovery!


I've never left a rating on a game on itch but this is great, the story and the characters actually felt compelling. I'm excited to go to the capital in the next updates

Eva was so shocked that the game couldn't stand it and accidentally made two copies)))


I love this game, and I know it's coming because of comments that have been made. But I cannot bring myself to play it until I can save Twig. You are a wonderful story writer, I've never felt such despair from any game, especially one that I originally downloaded for a wank. Thank you for your wonderful work ❤️

Teminei o jogo, muito bom, instalei a poucos dias, queria ter salvo galho, mas só na próxima atualização. Eu instalei em uma versao pirata que continha o jogo em pt-br , acho que vou perder todo meu progresso se instalar a nove versao quando sair

harem game?

Is there a way to save twig?

I checked the walkthrough but nothing was written about her.


I think it said that it was in version 1.7.0, until then you can't save twig. Since you can only save her before you rescue taliyah.

So I downloaded the last version and I can't find the included save. It seems that on my save there are no more Zen and Lori scenes, which there should be, I suppose? 

I make this reply having not actually played this game yet, just scrolling comments to see if I should give it a go.

Typically if it's in relation to updating a game and having weird bugs related to saves, you might have to start over as there might just be some kind of data sync issue with old versions. I know that can be tedious at times, but it *should* typically fix things as long as you are trying to play the most up to date version of a game. I will say again though, I say this having not actually played this just yet. Comments lookin good though.

Game is really good, you definitely should try it. About the issue - author mentioned adding a save file in changelog to one of the versions, so I was asking about it. 

Ya, I saw a few comments in regards to some event that is currently cliff hangered, something about saving someone and how it will most likely be the next update to address it. So I will wait till next update to pick it up lol. Hope you figured out the answer to the question o/

Yeah unfortunately it could only be included in the PC version since in the other versions including the save made the game crash (It's an engine issue). It was only included in the 1.6.9-4 update since it was the one that transitioned from the old system to the new one


Wow, your game looks good!

I went to see the rhinestones in the book, but after looking at it a few times, the option to see the book disappeared.


(SPOILER)I might be yapping here but I think adding July as a romance option would be good but unlikely since it's already been shown that she's not one of the main girls in the story so I suggest adding a new character (if the dev has plans to continue the story) like another type of race (A human milf  or vampire girl would probably gather attention) July to me doesn't seem like a vampire looks more like a zombie but everything else about her character is already great especially the personality🤓.


I can't get test day with Gaby's story line I've studied with her many times and go to the academy every morning but don't get test day, anyone know wh

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Either wait a few days or you need to study the book in your room not sure

(1 edit) (+2)

Hey Can the developers add an h-scene for Milly, Megan, July Yakina and Scarlet and also add more h-scene for Triss, Nessa and Nadia and add twig to the game too and also for scene player add a stroller for mobile for the next update?


rollback and pray

Update the game

You should be able to hit ignore, save the game and then restart the browser. That normally fixes that issue for m

please make the choice text darker or the old one my eye hurt seeing the new one

Gam good but are there more "h-scenes" for Gabe and Lori?

Besides the one in the game? No, not yet. Though we have some new content for Lori already planned. 

Currently, though, we're holding a poll to see which character will get a new h-scene in 1.6.10!

Nice!and thanks for answering my question much appreciated!


Personally as fan of this game for so long, i hate the new ui for choosing and stuff. It is kinda off in so many ways, i liked the old wooden ui alot more as it was kinda cleaner imo. Not to mention the scene player not working sometimes and my save files corrupting seeting me back a looong way back. So i do hope you guys can keep improving the game


Can't progress the village quest, it doesn't let me open the door at  Zenelith's house. Despite choosing the right symbol and getting the rock from scarlet, I can't progress, when I go to open the door it tells me that I need to talk with Scarlet even though I already did

(1 edit)

Are you playing on 1.6.9-3 Final? It's fixed in that version

I'm having the same issue and I'm playing on the new version as well.

I fixed it haha, I hadn't installed it correctly.

How'd you fix it? I just reinstalled just in case it fixed anything, but no, I still can't progress.

Aight, I got it. The only thing that seemed to fix it was talking to Scarlet on the evening for the seal. Anything else didn't work.

I just installed the latest update, if you go to the main screen then it should say the build number and final. Chech the guides as well in case you've missed a step beforehand.

(1 edit) (+1)

Same issue, Zenelith seal progress locked, on 1.6.9-3 on Android. Just installed it off three or four days ago. 

Edit: ignore me, I see is available now, updating.

(1 edit) (+1)

Last time I played I got to the ending the mc didn't send a letter to Zenelith which would make sense on the slave route or a mc who is fooling her of love.But a mc who is actually in love with her why would he send letters to so many people but not to her when he leaves the village.i really that this was fixed I really like the game and the Zenelith love route is my favourite it was done so nicely by the devs but then not giving her the letter kind amade all those love moments feel not important in mc's eyes when he left without writing a letter for her.


The ending was written 2 years ago before 3 out of the current 8 routes were in the game. We are going to rewrite that section in 1.7 to include the newer characters :)


With all due respect, the redrawing of the moment in the locker looks too miserable... Who draws legs like that? They fucking look like sausages, not full-fledged legs. 

I understand that everyone's tastes are different, but it looks really shitty, if you want to draw Scarlet as 70-80 kg, then at least don't draw her legs like sausages. Although I like the design in the usual dialogues and the old ones more, they look much better.


I am really enjoying this game, great work and great artwork.  I have yet to feel bored, which is a rare thing in a ero game. 

I wanted to ask you How to get a better ending? And if the game has an ending with a harem?


what is bookworm ingame?

hello, so i didnt asked anyone for thea clothes when she told me to get her clothes, and now nobody has the option of ask for clothes for thea. did i miss the route and have her stuck in the bedroom forever?

pd. great game thanks

Still waiting desperately for twig's branch (pun fully intended)

I cant open the gallery on android

It's fixed now!


your game is the best and it can be putted next to the likes of eternum

Hey dev, i have finished the game and it was awesome kudos to the whole team. I had an issue where the elf priestess says she is pregnant and then it just disappears. That was a nice turn of event but couldn't see it through some how. Anyways is the game finished? Or is there more to come?

I think there's a lot more to come seeing how the story is right now but I'm not the dev although the dev is actively adding more content, I've played this game since 2022 and came back seeing a lot has been added so I guess there's most likely more to come as we didn't really have a lot of scenes with some characters

(1 edit) (+1)

my save from 1.4.5 didnt update when i installed 1.6.8-4 do i need to instal each update (android)

No, that was due to a bug in 1.6.0 which caused older saves to be lost, and due to an intended change in 1.6.9-4. We try to avoid making older saves incompatible to avoid ruining the players' experience.


Lori is a peak character, i love the cute "elf"


same brother

question is there a way too keep a save over a newer version ?

If not is there a way to "fast forwar" to the progress already made?

thx in advance

Saves are automatically brought over newer versions, the only times this hasn't happened have been
pre-1.6.0 -> 1.6.0
and now with pre-1.6.9-4 -> 1.6.9-4


thx i guess i was unlucky starting a game right before the update drop. And thx for the quick response.


El mejor juego H que he probado si pudiera le chuparía la verga al creado

When launching the game, three possible .exe files can be chosen from. How do I know which one is the latest?


Just got to the final point in the Android version. I love this game. I couldn't put it down. Great writing and scenes. Looking forward to a complete version!

So, im on the elf village event, my tip says to visit aerin again, but i have no way to get to her? my only options are temple graveyard and prison and the only people i can talk to are nessa and milly.

Will there be voice acting?

Loving the story thus far but there are weird inconsistencies with the protag.... There's times where he'll be fucking up demons then another getting his shit shoved by a normal guy in a tavern... All in all .. it's a fun time regardless

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