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hey guys . Any other method apart from paypal to subscribe for the membership? 

i am ngl a really big fan of this game cuz the storyline and those 18+ stuff are all really my taste . 

so wanna see the 1.6.8 version 

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You could try by subbing on SubscribeStar! I believe that lets you use other methods besides PayPal

Hello, I found a bug in the latest version. 1.6.8  for mac premium.  If going to the gallery and selecting one of gave masturbation scenes it will show the basic background but once you try to go to the next part of the animation it will change to the background of the unpaused game and show the part of the animation that should apear just not with the correct background. If needed I can show what it looks like with photos. 

If you could join the discord and send it in the bug-report channel it'd be very helpful! Thank you in advance.


The game is great i follow you evrywhere 💙💙

I wish you focus on megan next times and specialy aerin i love this character

Good luck and i wish the best for you cant wait for 1.7 😄😄

1.7 will include a lot of new Twig content! After that we'll make a poll like usual to decide which character will get a route next! The vote will be between Megan, July, and Triss.


Sounds great 😊😊

Cant wait 💙💙


When will the main part i.e. the whole demon lord fight start ?

I wanna see the happy ending ☺️


I can't really say. It depends on whether we can afford to hire more people and release updates faster or not. I'd say that at best Part 2 will come out late 2025. Otherwise it's gonna be 2026


How does one get the premium version? I love the art style and I am unsure where I have to pay to get it and I don't want to mess up.

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You can purchase it here on by pressing Download Now and then "Pay with Paypal". If you do this you'll have permanent access to the Premium Version.

If you sign up on SubscribeStar you can also have access to the Premium Version for as long as you pay for the monthly subscription (the lowest subscription tier is 3$)

Patreon also works like SubscribeStar but we put up a censored version on there (there's a way to remove the censorship but you'd have to buy the subscription and join our discord to find out how)

Hope this helped clearing things up!


Yes thanks, I just purchased the game and Its great thanks! Tho I have one question, when do photos and scenes unlock in the gallery cause I just don't seem to grasp it. I see the scene but it doesn't unlock in the gallery immediatly  do I have to finish the route for the girl

It works in a weird way. If you make a save after seeing a scene and then you restart the game, the scenes will be there. Sometimes just going to the main menu works.

I'll admit I'm thinking of changing how the gallery works because this is kinda stupid.

I keep getting this error when the game screen comes up. If i press ignore it immediately goes to a new save but i can still open a previous save

Thanks for pointing this out! We've fixed it now, so if you download the game again it should work properly :D

yo will it be the second season of this game? i really like it. no matter how long it would be, i will wait until the next season is out. that's what i called, come for the porn stay for the plot.

We have a roadmap that includes all the content we wish to add to Chapter 1 before moving on to Chapter 2. You can check it out on our discord!

whenever i load a save it doesnt load the new content im stuck at the part where something happens to uncle pete and the its sends me to the main menu

Do you only have a save made after the warning telling you that if you decided to go forward you wouldn't be able to go back?
If that's the case, you'll have to restart the game. There isn't really much we can do about it.


First played this game months ago, you've won me over. I look forward to more updates with the premium version and will happily play through it again


One of the very few games I've actually HAD to sub too. there's so much to enjoy here i simply couldn't get this much out of a game and not help the devs out. 

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Goated fucking game, if i had won the lottery, i would donate you as much as you need to make AAA randeltales game

(1 edit) (+2)

Great game ! Story writers deserve special mention, genuinely one of only few games where protagonist isn't too horny and everything plays out naturally...

Deleted 20 hours ago

No, animated scenes are both in the public and premium versions.

Bug Report!

In 1.6.7 the punish option for Zenelith does not appear!


You're probably playing the Patreon version. In this case, connect your Patreon account to Discord, join the game's discord and check the pinned messages in the Premium Announcement channel. You'll find the solution there :D

I have the premium version from here.

The issue persists in the 1.6.5+fix version as well, but the option is there when i use a save from a year ago.


I just checked the code for the three premium version on the website and none is censured — the only way the Punish option could disappear is if a certain variable is turned on, and that variable is only turned on in the Patreon version. Are you sure you're not playing on a save created on a Patreon version? I can't really think of anything else that would explain it.

It might be someting mixed up with the older saves?

but thank you for the help/info you already provided.

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when does the 1.6.7 update will become free? i loved the game so notify my owner please im begging you to notify me bc i didn't expect a bad ending and if you see this just reply please and thank you for creating the game i really love it

1.6.8 will come out for everyone this Friday! Thank you for enjoying the game.


Thank you for replying to me im thankful

So I need help

I don't know if I'm just dumb or I miss something 

But I just started the "Show who's the Alpha" quest but for some reasons when I try to write in the book of monsters "Alpha Falcon" he keeps saying that there is no entry in the book 

Kinda lost here TwT


As of 1.6.5, the entry you need to look up on the Book of Monsters for this quest is "Golden Falcon".

Thank you so much !

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It's supposed to be Golden Eagle, but thanks for noticing this. We had forgotten to change the Tips for the quest in the tips book. It'll be changed and fixed in 1.6.8!


Great game! Zenelith best waifu!

Nah this comment is based fr i think twig is best girl


I've played through this and genuinely the writing is peak. Normally on any game with text I'll be spamming to skip but for this game I can't. It's so good I just get invested in it. The Art is also fantastic but the writing takes spotlight. I fucking love this game.

Keep up the great work.

(2 edits)

hello there, lovely game, completed most routes, but just ran into a bug. the dream you get after being shot during the Bandit fight with Cynthia doesn't contain any images, and instead just displays this: 

after these 3 slides, and another one called dream 24, it continues as normal.

Thanks for enjoying the game and reporting this bug! It'll be fixed in the next update!


I just "finished" this game and damn its probably one of the best nsfw games ive played on itch

I missed the date with the librarian cuz I triggered another event. Is the route with her done for?

Also, please let us save Twig but don't make her a route. Let's just save her and that's it. No need to be "grateful" to the mc 

I missed the date with the librarian cuz I triggered another event. Is the route with her done for?

Unfortunately yes. If you have a save from earlier you could always just not trigger her invite on a date and let the other event play.

Also, please let us save Twig but don't make her a route. Let's just save her and that's it. No need to be "grateful" to the mc

She's going to get multiple routes. One will be very wholesome and you will even get to pet her.

How do i invite  Uncle pete and sander for dinner?

Every time i go to pete, it just says "just came for a visit" and if I click on it no other options shoe up after 


Talk to Thea about it. I forgot the sequence (been a long time), so make sure to talk to her in the morning, the evening, and the night for the option.

ok thx

Hey I'm having an issue with Gabe. I bought the dildo for training but it's not giving me the option to use it on her. Just fingering and handjob but in the quest list, it shows Let's train Gabe using the dildo I bought and Let's go to Gabe's place today. Please advise.

Side note, one of my favs! Would love an option to repeat past H scenes. Thanks!

Hey I'm having an issue with Gabe. I bought the dildo for training but it's not giving me the option to use it on her. Just fingering and handjob but in the quest list, it shows Let's train Gabe using the dildo I bought and Let's go to Gabe's place today. Please advise.

Are you playing on a save from before 1.6? If you are, then it's a bug caused by the complete rewrite of her route that we did in 1.6.0

Side note, one of my favs! Would love an option to repeat past H scenes. Thanks!

We have a Scene Player for Premium users only that lets users repeat any h-scene from the game.

Yeah I think I am. How do I get past this other then restarting over? 

Great, I'll look into premium!

Yeah I think I am. How do I get past this other then restarting over?

Unfortunately there is no way to fix it that I'm sure would work. You could try by pressing SHIFT+O and typing "$ gabeQ = 6" and then "$ gabeTrust = 10" (without the quotation marks). I'm not sure if this will fix it though. It may make you replay her route from the training quest.

Where in Lori storyline is the new event with a repeatable scene?

You need to study with her 4 more times after the end of her route to trigger the new event


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How come the gabe handjob scene is higher quality and smoother than most of the other scenes? Will all of the scenes be redone like gabes? Great game btw


We had an animator do that scene, but he proved unreliable which forced us to delay an update and we still never got more work from him. Since then we haven't looked into finding an animator.


Excuse me, do you have Chinese?


I can't wait till 1.7 comes out. My life goal in this game is to save twig.  Im Dissipointed. i have to wait, but i know it will be worth it

You and me both man, I loaded a save and grinded for like 1.5 hour. Then I got pissed when I finaly read online that it wasnt possible.


The only problem I have with the game is you can't skip over questions and tests. Just don't really wanna study fake history to look at fake tits
But the story and art is fantastic! 

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Set text speed the highest and autoskip lowest time. Then press auto

Vocês pretendem colocar uma tradução para Portugues Brasil? 

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Evelyn also should have been exploited more

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It's strange that a character like Scarlett, an impressive character at the beginning of the game, doesn't have a route

Anybody know when the new update will be public?  Is there a schedule?

On the 11th!


Ooh okay thank you!

The game is good but... I can not describe the frustration when the mc switches to his other personality for no reason. With some characters he is behaving differently while with others he becomes someone else (I have not finised this so if he has MultiplePersonalityDesorder then I spoke to soon). He is pathetically weak no matter how much I train him (even if he wins the skill check he loses the fight). The game is pretty one dimensional with one way to make the "right" progress and every other choice you make is instant game over. The art is beautifull but I can't get past my character winning 0 total fights in the whole story. The character looks and fights like a 9yo not a 19yo. I can't stand that an adult character that trains 100x how much I train is weaker than me. The game is good but it has some flaws that may be more so my problem with it. I just think that the training has no impact on the game at all, making my time wasted on training pretty hurtful. Good game but maybe some parts of the game are just not for me.


This game is good! It has all the “good stuff” while also being well made! And the only few negative are:

A little bit 4y old difference in art style

No content with lori past the 1st sex

Oh and 30 points for lvl 5… THATS 30 DAYS WASTED ON GRIND. But all and all game os good.


Lori has more content now in 1.6.3!

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Words cannot describe how much I love this game. I played for 5 hours straight. I'm hooked. I can't wait to see what you have in store next!


WHy? WHats so good about it? Ive been playing these kidns of games for a while now and i find in most of them that the so-called MC is a worthless weajk stupid perverted waste of space. I played scarlet law for a good while and to be frank, i hate the world that game takes place in and the MC is absolutely worthless. Nothing u say or do every matters at all. I think those who make these games should not even bother with giving us decisions since they dont make a difference.

Try playing "Goddesses' Whim". MC is pretty strong and reliable, hence why girls really like him.



Since you did all the quests, how did you do the gave quest where you study for the first test?  Every time I go to her house it tells me to get a history book, but I already got it and can’t figure out how to read it

click the book in your room. 


We are in 1.6.2

Soon brothers, soon... We are going to save Twig!

Me senti na obrigação de criar uma conta dps de ver esse comentáriokkk Vai da pra salvar a twig nas próximas atualizações? Parei o jogo naquela parte faz uns 3 mês e to só esperando a opção de salva ela


R.i.p Uncle Peter, I sad because he dead

Gang can I romanticize Gabe?


yes you can

Can you explain how?

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since i lazy to explain here walkthrough

Does anyone know how to get the punishment option for Zenelith? Was that removed? Whenever I find her in the woods no matter what I do i only get the "save her" and "kill her" options


Did you rape her during the final events on elf village? Slave Zen is only available if you do that.


Why would u rape any girl to begin with? Thas what true weaklings do. Then again, rape is pretty much what u do in almost all these games anyway since the MC is always a weak pathetic lil bastard who only thinks with his tiny penis.

You're probably playing on the Patreon version. If so, connect your account to discord, join the discord, and check the pinned message in #📢premium-announcements


F in the chat guys twig R.I.P
o7... ;-;

??? what happened

She died but not cannon

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