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I'm having problems with Lori's questline. After asking her how she knows astyllian so well she runs off and it doesn't let me ask around. The next quest is immediately "she likes adventuring, I should ask her to go with me". Then when I go to the library I get the prompt to apologise without asking around and after I press yes it just repeats the previous dialogue where she runs off and the quest changes to "ask Gabe to look after the library" which I can't do

(1 edit)

Run into same thing here. I have a feeling it's caused by talking to July about her. I did it before getting this stage of quest.

UPD You must call Gabe from library actually.

Turns out for me it changes to "ask around and apologise" when she brings the smutt book with her, so one dialogue group before asking her about astylian. And I can't ask Gabe about it at any point, tried during every step


May i have an answer on where's Eve's quarters is in?,i still cant find her guildquarters,or is it unavailable after you finished the Elf Town quest?


what's the difference in the paid version to the free version?

Im having an issue finding the history books for Gabes ques

Go to the library and talk to lori, there will be a option to ask for a book. After that youll need to talk to boris to actually get one

It says I have to study the books so i goto the library and its not giving me anything

You study in your house. the book is on the left side of the screen


thank you

You study the book in your house, it's the open book next to the quill on the desk/table on the left.


Your game looks very interesting, but I have a question about the version number:

I notice you are past 1.0, but you seem to be adding quite a bit. It's possible you've already answered this somewhere, but do you have a stated end goal for your game?

Are these updates mostly bug fixes and free add-ons to a completed project?


its past 1.0 because part 1 of the main story is over, but theyre still adding more routes and the main story itself still has alot left, so the game is far from fully completed from what i can tell off the discord

We are past 1.0 because the game currently has an ending point, that being the ending of chapter 1.  

All the updates we're releasing are to add the missing content in the first chapter before we move on with the second chapter, which include routes with characters that don't have a route yet (since 1.0 we've added Taliya's route, Lori's route, and Zenelith's two routes, and we're still missing July, Megan, Triss, and Twig). In the meantime we are also bug-fixing and polishing the game so that the whole game meets our current quality standards (working on a game for 4 years means there's lots of older stuff that needs reworking)

You can check the full roadmap by joining our discord! :D

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Hello, I don't know if this is a bug or not, but I accidentally missed a date with Lori because of the history exam, after that I couldn't continue ther route. My heart was breaking because of this situation, since I didn't want to miss the date and I really liked Lori, I ask you to introduce the opportunity to apologize to her for missing the date.

Press "back" many times till your back to the time.


If you do not give me twig, I will kill your wife. I will kill your son. I will kill your infant daughter.

is there a way to transfer game data to newer version? Is it automatic? Or do I just have to restart? 

To get the updated  versions I would need to download them meaning my saves in the newer version is gone, right?

Just copy the saves from the old version to the new one. They're at Randetale>game>saves

Is that thingy only works for pc?

It is automatic! :D

(1 edit)

Suggestion here, Pure adventure route:

like add some choice's and paths that would lead to no NSFW scene's whatsoever, like maybe based on a specific personality and trait, or maybe just in the gameplay, i would like to see some stuff like how would characters react to the MC just rejecting Any path leading to NSFW, this might break some relationship and missions like Taliyas Mission And relationship with Gabe, or like Triss seeing how the MC seems to doesn't even care about her reward and just wanted gold.

It could be fun, and I would love to see it.

Another odd thing, not sure if it’s a bug or not, but a lot of things are just absent from the gallery. For example, the blowjob scene with the dwarven woman isn’t there, but the scene of you going down on her is.

There’s a bug with Part Two of the history book.

It says “could not find label ‘historyPart2’”

With one bug fixed, there will be more bugs in it’s place I guess lol Love the game though.

Yep happens to me to, maybe there is no Second test yet in history class so maybe it's incomplete content yet.

Game's great but the pc's stupidity and incompetence kinda kills the vibe, like I worked hard to max stats yet the pc got whooped like nothing in the tavern, so you're just working hard for nothing the pc will still be a stupid loser

Bug report: Lori

On Lori scene, like I was studying with Lori, and for some reason, the error said that "Lori0" doesn't found or something, idk I can't advance for some reason, now I'm just stuck to magic 2 ;-;.

And I can't ignore it, also some error I found with like sander and Gabi.

Should all be fixed now!


I'm not picking this up again till we save Twig😭


Is twig able to be saved yet? 😭

(1 edit)

No man ive tried i kept trying until i got over 10000 gold and then stopped but i hope its on the to do list for em


After completing a full 100% tonight (Besides broken Lori route) I can say without a doubt this is one of the best games on, not even just among NSFW games, it's just all around a great game and great experience. Though spelling errors are prevalent it isn't anything extreme that would ruin the experience for any new players, and though the animation may be lackluster in areas, the story and characters make up heavily for it. (I do enjoy the attention to detail that Zen decides to bash your skull in with a rock if you decide to 'punish' her. Only did it for true 100% but still) just about every route is thought out and the way some intertwine at the end make sense and fit it all perfectly. Overall, 9.7/10 experience, would recommend to anyone, though dark themes are present throughout it can still serve as a great experience for just about anyone looking for a good visual novel to kill time. 


somebody knows how to do nadia's route?


Go to the quest board and help dwarves, you'll be rewarded with a diamond or...etc.

(3 edits) (+1)

This exception occurs when talking to Gabe:

This exception occurs when talking to Lori, unable to ignore/progress further:

This exception occurs when talking to Cynthia:

This text placement bug occurs throughout gameplay:

Last note, several sentences should be proof read for grammatical/spelling errors. Other than that, good game!


Thank you for posting this I was just about to come here and do the same! I wouldnt care as much but i paid for the game because I played a version before that works just fine and now all this is happening. This game is so good and the story is AWESOME! Im excited to see what it is like AFTER THESE BULLSHIT BUGS are gone and i know they are working on fixing it looks like ill just be returning in a month and hope its in a better play state.

Should all be fixed now!


Thank you!


Should all be fixed now!

Excellent, keep up the good work!


Studying with Lori crashes the game, unfortunately. Man.. I was really looking forward to that.

Should all be fixed now!

(1 edit) (+3)

 Lori's line also softlocks with an exception error. 

Thanks for the game I'm really enjoying it so far!

Should all be fixed now!

Thanks Dev! love the game can't wait for future updates!

hey dev just want to know if this game will be on steam some day?

Where can I find the window position configs? I think I accidently closed it on my second monitor and now it doesn't want to launch anymore (something that has happened with other apps in the past)

Nevermind, I found a way to fix it. Just temporarly turn both my screens into the same one.

just a suggestion; dont put a minigame if the result of it is ultimately determined by a skill check, it is incredibly insulting to have my time and effort disrespected like that (in reference to the taliya duel when she tells you she is leaving)

I've finished all the routes, but Lori's route. I'm stuck, I don't know how to start the date with her. If someone knows, tell me, please?

what's the difference between the regular and the premium version?

Deleted 44 days ago

yes people can read the description too, what he probably meant was what are the patreon-exclusive features.

Deleted 44 days ago

That was realy one of the best visual game that I've ever played !! I hope you will continue and create other games.


when will you add the saving twink route? i dont care im farming an hour if needed to get enough money and save her.

once its added ill restart the game in a never version, since there are added routes and all that jazz to the game now


One of the best games i've ever played, bravo ❤️


finally finished the story and honestly its one of the best games ive ever played, in general, not even just in the adult category. its just an all out outstanding game. cant wait for the future of this title!


I keep getting my ass handed to me despite the fact that I have ALL the stats maxed out. And I am level fifty one in adventuring as a DIAMOND. And I get fucked in the ass by a peasant at a tavern. Please have more stat checks so I can feel like an actual badass instead of a wimp.

(1 edit) (+2)

Exactly, but right now, they are focusing on a lot more things and features, found in the roadmap on DC, so we'd have to wait. I also have sword on max and was floored by two thugs and a chump at the tavern.

Soon...Clown. Soon you won't be eating dirt...Soon..


Bro this game is an absolute banger

Deleted 119 days ago

exactly, I love high fantasy and this game makes me feel like I'm actually a hero inside some story


Till your a level 50 diamond with all stats maxed out, and a peasant at a tavern wipes the floor with you.

There seems to be alot of pages that are just black is this normal. Im not complaining I just want to make sure my install didnt get corrupted.

How do i get the rest of Lori's story? After the date theres just nothing

Brother, I would like to ask if I can add Chinese to the language, or can I put it in a gallery The sixteen-hour workweek didn't allow me much time to play games I wish I could have had such a program I'm sorry to disturb you if I can't tell me


When I Can Save Twig???


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I hope this story gets continued soon, especially Taliya's. I should not have sped her route. I mean, I finished all the routes before the update so hers was bugged. Man, her route was the most enjoyable and the only plotline that furthers the story. I also wish we can get new monsters. Hunting just falcons and boars are not going to get you to silver quickly.

Still down about Taliya's route. She left and now I cannot see her for the remainder of the game. I would say her route is the sweetest and it makes you yearn for more. 

Edit: Okay this reply is getting long and I restarted the game to do all of them with Taliya last so the timeline is proper, but I must say this, PLEASE CONTINUE THIS. The plot must continue.

Bro, please send me the save link for your game

Is there anyway to save twig?

Not in the current version, we will be able to save her in the future updates.

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Hey it's me again, are you planning on having more consistency and connections between storylines, like as amazing as a lot of storylines are, the majority of them feel like standalone stories, they just feel disconnected, and just not consistent with the current narrative, for example like how if you already completed Lori's storyline or some other similar storylines it's not mentioned anywhere again, not when Pete asks you about love interests, or Gabe, the game kinda completely forgets that ever happened and it doesn't influence any of the other storylines even if just with slight text, another example is when kiss Aerin you always say it's your first kiss even if you already kissed someone else, also if you never complete the alpha falcons quest with Evelyn and then the Elf village storyline comes along things kinda get messy with Evelyn always being at the guild even when she win the duel and she's supposed to not be, and a lot of other instances, it would be nice if the game would check if you've done certain things and that would kinda influence the dialogue or the storyline you're doing, just small things like that to add consistency between storylines and improve the narrative would be nice, but i could say that the narrative with Cynthia's and Thea's storylines were executed perfectly, and how they collide was also really nice, but then again by the very end you only confess to have slept with only Gabe even if you did so with others, you get the point, And the game has been amazing, definitely one of the most memorable games I've played in a while, i would love to see it grow more and maybe have a full release one day


I don't mean to sound rude, but is this ALL in ONE sentence?!


English isn't my greatest asset

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