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Also what's the difference between premium and normal?


"Premium Version gives you permanent early access to future updates and will contain every feature that might be patreon-only like the Gallery Unlock button"


It's a fun experience i kinda hoped the amount of skill points actually creates different interactions instead of simply bypassing qte though

Deleted post
(1 edit) (+2)

Wasn't expecting much going into it but the story completely blew me away. Each character is different and has well developed stories. I like the fact that character's stories are woven into each other and that they weren't just added for the sake of more h scenes. Looking forward to future updates👍

I gotta ask, why is the Mac Premium version the only one that costs $10?


I have no idea why that was like that, they were all 10$, I have no idea what happened thank god you wrote this comment or I'd have never noticed.


this is BY FAR THE BEST adult game I have ever played. I'm in a loss of words and don't know what else to say.


for the people that found this game i suggest you play it and support the devs patreon if you have the money.

I have finished this game and all im gonna say is... THIS IS THE BEST ADULT GAME. IT HAS EVERYTHING YOU COULD EVER WANT.

The story. perfect👌

The characters. perfect👌

The H-scene's . PERFECT👌

Thank you dev's for making this masterpiece for us to enjoy. Keep doing you're best😁


"This game looks interesting. Let's check the comment section."

Comment Section: *Pure and detailed Spoilers!*


It really is like that I can't deny it.

(2 edits) (+5)

This is perfect

It has a great storyline and i know everyone agrees. But theres 1 thing i can suggest.

PLEASE THE TWIG STORYLINE!!! I can still remember what happened to her ;-; (you dint have to do her like that) i will be glad if she was actually alive and shes just unconcious on the demon transformation.

Overall, underrated game, hilarious, fun, family friendly, what can you ask. This deserves much more recognition tbh.

My rating: 69/10




shits gas ngl top teir


twig's storyline! PLZ! She's such a cute girl and I can't stand her being forcefully turned into a demon,


This will be my first review, I have never been so invested into the storyline on any other games, but this one is so good. I can tell how much thought and care you put into this and id say storyline is a solid 9/10 :)

(1 edit)

so im trying to do a mission  for Zenelith "maybe if i try hard enough i could get her to do something more" i looked at the walkthrough and nothing is happening i tried multipole way and did it atleast 10 times and nothing is happening so unless im doing something wrong or something is wrong with my game this dose not seam to work.

EDIT: also the newest version pops up as 1.4.4

(1 edit)

Weirdly enough it seems it work for some people but not for others. If you can join the discord we can try and see what's wrong and I may be able to fix it for the next update

(1 edit)

Can’t join the discord as of right now but if this helps. I had 2  storylines that reset and I had to do again one of them was the for.

 Taliya  the whole storyline for her (weirdly enough I did not get the last scene for her the first time when she has to go out of randel)

And for Zenelith when you find her in the forest I originally chose kill her but the game seem like it did not register I had to do this 3 times the third one was punish her and then it did not reset.

I have a couple of more things to report but I’m out of town and they require photos when I get back I will report those as well (there not game breaking)


i have killed Wall Crawlers before going to quest with Cynthia and dialogue was like: "i have killed rank C and B monsters and you killed just some S rank monsters... pathetic"



Kind of sad about the ending, made me tear up, can't wait for the next updates. ALSO, PLEASE DON'T TELL ME THE DEMON LADY WILL DEVELOP A DADDY KINK.  I literally started playing the game yesterday, and today I dedicated the entire day to completing it, as I have no social life except for those who live away from me. 

I kept on texting my crush the funniest scenes, ALSO, TWIG SCENE??? made me cry, mom even asked me what I was playing and I was like ''some adventure game''. She didn't ask anything else, which, I'm pretty glad, it'd be awkward to explain I'm building a harem in a game.

Deleted post

The game was pretty funny, and the art improved so much, things like that make me so happy, so, I honestly loved the game. 

How to finish last quest with Zenelith? It says "maybe if i try hard enough i could get her to do something more..."I did all sorts of things to her and still get nothing. Please help.

You can check out the walkthrough to help you with that


This game is so unbelievably good, and I fell in love with it within the first 15 minutes I played. I've replayed the whole thing at least 5 times and it's still so good. I am so so so so so so excited to see where it goes. Thanks for creating such a masterpiece :3

I'm the only one who thinks this game is similar to Mushoku Tensei ?


I Really enjoyed the game, it's Interesting how you can portrait the feeling of being and adventurer, i have to say that i atleast died trhee times because i couldn't help but want to be 'good' haha. Btw on the android version, sometimes with long speeches the words would appear out of the screen i'm not sure if it's just me or what, it's not that usual but some words get missed. 

We unfortunately  don't have any playtester for the android version. If you spot any that you might want to report, do join the discord and send them over in the #corrections chat :)


is there russian or ukrainian language in the game? If not, will there be?

There isn't as of right now, but we plan on adding a Russian translation (as well as Chinese and Spanish translations) once we reach 1000$ on our Patreon

(1 edit) (+1)

is this game have any scene moaning sound ?

Currently only one near the end of the game

(1 edit)

Wait, guys, you are really fix a bug with clothes ONLY in patreon version? 


(3 edits)

The Patreon version has always came out a week before the public version. Additionally, we always fix any major or game-breaking bug on both the public and patreon version as soon as we find them. 

The bug that was fixed is neither game breaking nor major — it only affected a few lines of dialogue and nothing more — the reason why it's written "finally" is because this bug (and other variations which had already been fixed) has been in the game for years.

Oh, ok, just i rlly dont see this bug when im played a year before.

Thanks for attention


The Game Is So Good I Had So Much Fun,Keep Up The Good Work,And Please Don't Stop Updating It. You Could Add More Story,Characters,quests And Much More.(Loved Talya And Her Story).

Thank you very much!


did some of the commets get deleted  because when i try to view the replies to my comments it says page not found

None as far as I'm aware. We did switch from forum to comments about a month ago, so it could be that.


This game deserve way more recognition

We're honestly already so happy it has gotten the attention and positive reception it has :D


Hi, found a bug in the current version (1.4.2):
I asked Scarlet for the clothes for Thea and told her the truth, but when Gabe came to visit, the conversation went like she was asked for the clothes, with a lie about Uncle Pete.

Thanks for reporting! I'll fix this in the next update


do you plan on making a sequel?


We'll make the continuation of the game within the current game


Thanks for the reply! Glad i asked. I wont uninstall then so i can keep my save 😁

I've had sex with eve but I still get a mission to go see her at the guild with only the sex option and I can't unlock aerins house

I got the same problem. No other dialogue options show :(


I really enjoyed the game so far, the only things that I would like to be different is with Tailya's friend from the slums, an actual way to spare her and maybe later try to help her live normally. Same with Twig, I can't believe you would do something like this men. I even loaded the game and collected 1000g before going back to the desert, and couldn't help. It would be nice if she was added as another character you could save. Overall, very nice visual novel, has some moments that make you feel sad, honestly hate them, (Yes, I'm talking about these 2 examples), but enjoyed the game. And, in the end, it's your game, so do with this game what you feel is for the best. 

P.S. Don't know why, but every time in the android version when you try to check stats, you get an error and you need to load or recall, you can never check them. It's not that much of an issue, but it's there. Also, the quest with your childhood friend and the training doesn't show up near the end of her route, and it feels a bit strange that after the picnic you get and option for a 3rd scene with the training while already doing the 4th one, even saying if she wants to do it again, while you never did it in the first place.

I might have played the 1.4.1 version not the 1.4.2 one.

man i got u


Omg... Tailya's route is... I've never loved a character so much, omg


So You changed the looks of the Guild and the MC room very nice I restarted the game again(3rd time already cuz its so good) no errors in the intro so far. But the new look really give it charm. You also changed The UI so that's very good the old is well... Old so nice to see having a new UI. The map is also changed holy moly it's really been a while since I've played randeltales.

Yeah you misspelled "planned" it's "Planed" no issue just a missing letter.

Chapter 1 first time entering Gabe's house

Full dialogue is "Uhm... I Could come in now, if you want. I Don't have anything planed for the evening. "

You updated sime scenes too so that's nice. I know this is too much to ask but can you add an Opacity meter when talking to people? Kinda hides the Best details sometimes.

Can't wait for chapter 2.



Seriously?UPDATE again?

Bunis ur My hero😊️😊️


So I got a question I pretty much completed all of the quests now and the last one is the one with Zenelith where we can use her as much as we want. But how can I get more from here to complete the quest? Can anyone help? 

(1 edit)

Im on this quest too did you find out what to do? Cause i really wanna complete it

You can look at the comment from 3 days ago if u click on my profile. Rin himself explained it a bit maybe you can get it to work because I still didn't figure it out. But I also didn't try it again since then. 

Yo I'm back and I got the last scene so idk tbh but what I just did was

 Feed > any options > Don't give 5x

Feed > any options > Give food 5x

Feed > Don't have her do anything 5x

After that i got it

Oh OK so did you do the feeding one at a time and then went to bed or did u feed and then don't give food and feed and give food at the same day? 

I did em one at a time feed 5x don't give after that's done then feed 5x give food then 5x don't have her do anything and boom

Repeated everything exactly as stated in the post, but nothing happened 😢


I hope that there will be a new update 

This game is pretty awesome it has a good writing and it's like giving value about life or something I don't know 



THX dev

This is actually My favorite vn.I think the january update is an end of the game,but u do make a latest update.U have no idea how much I like this game.I evenlike purple-hair girl in reality coz Gabe(the character)😃️

I will retry this game.hoping to have a NEW experience.

Best wishes for everything🤗️🤗️🤗️


Why do you have to kill Twig man?.....


another uncaught error, this time in Talia's path: 


I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:

  File "game/Scripts/Zones/Academy/Academy.rpy", line 114, in script call

    call gabrialTalk from _call_gabrialTalk

  File "game/Scripts/Zones/Academy/Academy.rpy", line 114, in script call

    call gabrialTalk from _call_gabrialTalk

  File "game/Scripts/Zones/Home/Home.rpy", line 28, in script call


  File "game/Scripts/Zones/Academy/Academy.rpy", line 114, in script call

    call gabrialTalk from _call_gabrialTalk

  File "game/Scripts/Zones/Home/Home.rpy", line 18, in script call

    call homeEvents

  File "game/Scripts/Zones/Home/Home.rpy", line 28, in script call


  File "game/Scripts/Zones/Home/Home.rpy", line 28, in script call


  File "game/Scripts/Zones/Home/Home.rpy", line 28, in script call


  [Previous line repeated 11 more times]

  File "game/Scripts/Zones/Academy/Academy.rpy", line 114, in script call

    call gabrialTalk from _call_gabrialTalk

  File "game/Scripts/Zones/Academy/Academy.rpy", line 114, in script call

    call gabrialTalk from _call_gabrialTalk

  File "game/Scripts/Zones/Home/Home.rpy", line 18, in script call

    call homeEvents

  File "game/Scripts/Zones/GabeHouse.rpy", line 263, in script call

    call gabrialTalk

  File "game/Scripts/Zones/Home/Home.rpy", line 18, in script call

    call homeEvents

  File "game/Scripts/Zones/Home/Home.rpy", line 18, in script call

    call homeEvents

  File "game/Scripts/Zones/GabeHouse.rpy", line 263, in script call

    call gabrialTalk

  File "game/Scripts/Zones/Home/Home.rpy", line 18, in script call

    call homeEvents

  File "game/Scripts/Zones/GabeHouse.rpy", line 263, in script call

    call gabrialTalk

  File "game/Scripts/Zones/Home/Home.rpy", line 18, in script call

    call homeEvents

  File "game/Scripts/Zones/GabeHouse.rpy", line 263, in script call

    call gabrialTalk

  File "game/Scripts/Zones/Home/Home.rpy", line 18, in script call

    call homeEvents

  File "game/Scripts/Zones/Home/Home.rpy", line 18, in script call

    call homeEvents

  File "game/Scripts/Zones/GabeHouse.rpy", line 263, in script call

    call gabrialTalk

  File "game/Scripts/Zones/Home/Home.rpy", line 18, in script call

    call homeEvents

  File "game/Scripts/Zones/GabeHouse.rpy", line 263, in script call

    call gabrialTalk

  File "game/Scripts/Zones/GabeHouse.rpy", line 263, in script call

    call gabrialTalk

  File "game/Scripts/Zones/GabeHouse.rpy", line 263, in script call

    call gabrialTalk

  File "game/Scripts/Zones/Home/Home.rpy", line 18, in script call

    call homeEvents

  File "game/Scripts/Zones/Home/Home.rpy", line 18, in script call

    call homeEvents

  File "game/Scripts/Storylines/TaliyaQuestline.rpy", line 1800, in script

    play sound whip

  File "renpy/common/000statements.rpy", line 300, in execute_play_sound["file"]),

  File "renpy/common/000statements.rpy", line 32, in _audio_eval

    return eval(expr,

  File "game/Scripts/Storylines/TaliyaQuestline.rpy", line 1800, in <module>

    play sound whip

NameError: name 'whip' is not defined

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:

  File "game/Scripts/Zones/Academy/Academy.rpy", line 114, in script call

    call gabrialTalk from _call_gabrialTalk

  File "game/Scripts/Zones/Academy/Academy.rpy", line 114, in script call

    call gabrialTalk from _call_gabrialTalk

  File "game/Scripts/Zones/Home/Home.rpy", line 28, in script call


  File "game/Scripts/Zones/Academy/Academy.rpy", line 114, in script call

    call gabrialTalk from _call_gabrialTalk

  File "game/Scripts/Zones/Home/Home.rpy", line 18, in script call

    call homeEvents

  File "game/Scripts/Zones/Home/Home.rpy", line 28, in script call


  File "game/Scripts/Zones/Home/Home.rpy", line 28, in script call


  File "game/Scripts/Zones/Home/Home.rpy", line 28, in script call


  [Previous line repeated 11 more times]

  File "game/Scripts/Zones/Academy/Academy.rpy", line 114, in script call

    call gabrialTalk from _call_gabrialTalk

  File "game/Scripts/Zones/Academy/Academy.rpy", line 114, in script call

    call gabrialTalk from _call_gabrialTalk

  File "game/Scripts/Zones/Home/Home.rpy", line 18, in script call

    call homeEvents

  File "game/Scripts/Zones/GabeHouse.rpy", line 263, in script call

    call gabrialTalk

  File "game/Scripts/Zones/Home/Home.rpy", line 18, in script call

    call homeEvents

  File "game/Scripts/Zones/Home/Home.rpy", line 18, in script call

    call homeEvents

  File "game/Scripts/Zones/GabeHouse.rpy", line 263, in script call

    call gabrialTalk

  File "game/Scripts/Zones/Home/Home.rpy", line 18, in script call

    call homeEvents

  File "game/Scripts/Zones/GabeHouse.rpy", line 263, in script call

    call gabrialTalk

  File "game/Scripts/Zones/Home/Home.rpy", line 18, in script call

    call homeEvents

  File "game/Scripts/Zones/GabeHouse.rpy", line 263, in script call

    call gabrialTalk

  File "game/Scripts/Zones/Home/Home.rpy", line 18, in script call

    call homeEvents

  File "game/Scripts/Zones/Home/Home.rpy", line 18, in script call

    call homeEvents

  File "game/Scripts/Zones/GabeHouse.rpy", line 263, in script call

    call gabrialTalk

  File "game/Scripts/Zones/Home/Home.rpy", line 18, in script call

    call homeEvents

  File "game/Scripts/Zones/GabeHouse.rpy", line 263, in script call

    call gabrialTalk

  File "game/Scripts/Zones/GabeHouse.rpy", line 263, in script call

    call gabrialTalk

  File "game/Scripts/Zones/GabeHouse.rpy", line 263, in script call

    call gabrialTalk

  File "game/Scripts/Zones/Home/Home.rpy", line 18, in script call

    call homeEvents

  File "game/Scripts/Zones/Home/Home.rpy", line 18, in script call

    call homeEvents

  File "game/Scripts/Storylines/TaliyaQuestline.rpy", line 1800, in script

    play sound whip

  File "E:\Randel tales\Randeltales-1.4.1+2023090415-pc\renpy\", line 2259, in execute"execute")

  File "E:\Randel tales\Randeltales-1.4.1+2023090415-pc\renpy\", line 2241, in call

    return, parsed, *args, **kwargs)

  File "E:\Randel tales\Randeltales-1.4.1+2023090415-pc\renpy\", line 342, in call

    return method(parsed, *args, **kwargs)

  File "renpy/common/000statements.rpy", line 300, in execute_play_sound["file"]),

  File "renpy/common/000statements.rpy", line 32, in _audio_eval

    return eval(expr,

  File "E:\Randel tales\Randeltales-1.4.1+2023090415-pc\renpy\", line 1153, in py_eval

    return py_eval_bytecode(code, globals, locals)

  File "E:\Randel tales\Randeltales-1.4.1+2023090415-pc\renpy\", line 1146, in py_eval_bytecode

    return eval(bytecode, globals, locals)

  File "game/Scripts/Storylines/TaliyaQuestline.rpy", line 1800, in <module>

    play sound whip

NameError: name 'whip' is not defined

Windows-10-10.0.19045 AMD64


Randel Tales 1.4.1+2023090415

Wed Sep 20 20:04:41 2023



Second game?

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