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Deleted 175 days ago

Not yet, but we plan on adding more.

I started over for the update. since the update the tips icon no longer works.  It goes to the script screen. Also  the wallcrawler  quest will not give the option to start anymore. Great game so far though.  I'm using the Itch app and the same things go on in a .sh or .exe version.  


That's fixed in Update 1.5.3!


Cool.  Also i appreciate that you have a Linux and Windows version, though my distro seems to run either version.    I do like that you have to work a bit for affection  from the girls without being too much of a grind. It's a good balance so far.


I wish Lori had a Storyline, she's pretty cute


She does, the 1.5 update covers her new route.


i refuse to continue playing the game or even open it until twig can be saved.

Hate to say it but same :( Maybe next update?


Depending on what our Patrons vote, Twig route might come out with 1.7

i think i got all of them(great experience btw) but the only thing i didn't get is nessa's picture on the game preview{this one} am I missing something?

Gotta select "It can get bigger" when speaking to her while she's 'interrogating' you

i see, thanks!

Would it be possible to give hints to all the quest lines at the start, with names hidden until you come across them? I missed Thea's and Lori's run because there was not hint that they existed. Also, after rescuing Thea, the guide says to ask the girls at the academy for clothes but that option never appears and nothing appears in the notes.


We have planned an overhaul of the tips system, though we aren't sure when that will come out.

Not a lot for people who like the back, like if you are a hardcore backside fan, this is a skip. Unless you wanna play solely for the story

Am I losing it or did the latest update break the wall crawler quest? I look it up in the book of monsters and then it's gone


Will be fixed when 1.5.2 comes out along the public update on the 17th

Ah so that's what happened.

Can you get premium on androi

Yes you can, it's the last file


gotta be one of the best VN H games i ever played.i really like the storyline!


Aerin is the truly best girl in the game. What a pity that her route is small and she has no content after Elf Village quest


she does though, if you hang out with her in the temple enough times, you'll get scenes with he

What I'm saying 


wow new update, thanks


Out of curiosity, how small do the breasts get in this game? 


Look at Lori... fairly small :)

She does look pretty great! Is she the only one, or is there a lot more than her?

AFAIK she is the only one at the moment. I'd have yo double check, but for some reason I want to say Aerith... maybe Twig too, but I didn't pay too much attention to her as there isn't that much content there (yet).

Well, she might be the reason I play this then. 

But hey, if more are added at some point, I certainly won't complain. lol

That said, is it possible to not lewd characters you don't want to? Or do you have to do all the content?

-Spoiler warning for everyone not wanting those!-

It depends how you play the mc. I know there's a dwarven character you can miss if you choose the wrong reward for a quest. You can also miss an Elven character by just not talking to her after your initial meeting. I believe you can get one of two other Elves killed during one of the quest lines, but I've never done it. Twig you currently cant save, but will be able to later. If you choose the wrong option with Cynthia then she stops talking to you, the same can be done with Zenalith, or you can just starve her to death on one of her routes. Last skippable one I can think of is Thea, you basically just choose to leave, or watch her get assaulted and murdered instead of rescuing her.


this reminds me of fandel tales from derpixon, my favorite was the cursed prince. i havent played the yet, only just downloaded it but is it anything like those nsfw animations cause that would be great.


I just came to say, I absolutely hate you for what you did to twig.. I shall never forgive you and I hope you stub your toe on a wall for the crime you have committed.

Ps. I'm loving the game still shall never forgive you.  

Oh, I forgot to mention in my last comment that in the android version Im seeing text wrapping issues. This is coupled with the background of the text box sitting too far to the left. I think fixing the second one may actually fix the first as well, except on the occasions where the text amount forces it off the bottom of the text box.


I'll make sure to check this out and fix it in time for 1.5's public release


So, I have a couple of questions, I hope you don't mind (Sorry if these have already been asked).

Will there ever be a Lori storyline? Even just a friends chilling together thing? She just seems a little neglected right now, poor thing.

And randomly, I'm not sure if pregnancy will ever be a thing. Regardless, will we ever be able to cure Zenalith of her infertility? It just seems like it'd be an ultimate end to her story line either as punishment, or reward.

I have to say, having not played for over a year, Randel Tales has really come on leaps and bounds. It's really impressive to see all of the improvements, keep up the good work guys! <3


...and then I skim the patreon post titles and see the Lori stuff! Lmao


I won't say anything in detail about Zenelith, but we do have plans to expand on her story.


I don't know the chances of Bunis or Rin reading this but I finished the game a few weeks ago, I absolutely loved it, some bugs here and there but there where comments that where very helpful in walking through them.  The only things three things I'll mainly note/ask is, Number One: Is there going to be more of Taliya she was definitely my favourite. Number Two: Out of curiosity, is future updates mainly adding more events to the same game or is there a sequel in the works. My third question is in a future update event/ sequel well there be a marriage or a pregnancy route of one or all of your romantic partners? anyways thats all I wanted to say I look forward to future updates. 

Thank you for playing the game, I'm glad you've liked it :D
Now, to answer your questions:
-Yes, in the second part
-If you join our Discord you can check our roadmap where we've got detailed what we plan to add to the game before moving past the current ending
-Possibly. I still can't say for sure (especially regarding the marriage), but we're always trying to add different content to our game, so it's a possibility.

(1 edit) (+3)

Uncle pete and twig😭

"In the current version of the game, twig can't be saved". Game is literally unplayable, fix this ASAP

Hey. I like the game. Though i played a old version 1.1.3 so im not sure if to play the up coming verison or wait for the next update. Any advice?

Every each update have their storyline, so you won't lost anything playing it right now 

what is different between public and premium?


I refuse to leave this city without Twig >:(. And I hope that one day it will be possible to have something more with the best friend (I know that won't happen)

bro why?! Aerin is die twig is die why bro and accidently i overwrite save aerin is alive


i need more scene

Stuck at elf's village quest...

What does premium has more?


Hey, so I got  a weird bug that if you kill Zenelith after elven forest storyline, and go back to the forest after the cutscene, you get the scene with Zenelith again

Thank you for the report, it will be fixed in the next update!


nice game. but im not gonna play anymore until i can save twig. . saved the game but i'll end up doing the same things again so i'll just wait until theres the option to save her.


On God, just picked it up and realized I couldn't save Twig. Heartbroken. I really hope that update will happen soon.


Is the game completely free? Can I play the whole game without paying ?

Yes you can!


What's the difference between the free and the premium versions?


I think the premium version just means you'll get updates faster and ahead of free users.

Thanks 👍


I think Nadya content is deleted from free version

the free version doesnt have any pictures

stuck in gabe's quest (maybe a bug)

in the quesions about the demons war on who killed the demon king

no anwer is the correct one, all answers ends up as wrong

(1 edit) (+1)

your answer Sir Gladius Hans. 

if you are doing the test then here are the answers

-340 years; 

-James Randel; 

 -Its rich soil; 




 -Mountains of Arp; 

 -Sir Gladius Hans; 

 -The Final Hern Siege; 



I have the same problem, every answer is wrong... Did you find a solution ? 


solved it. the problem wasn't the third question, its just that the game didn't tell me I'm wrong until the test was over.

my mistake was that i remembers the names of the suns wrong (its ron and rem)


Damn i am stupid and thanks!


When will it be possible to save Twig?

(1 edit) (+2)

Waiting for Taliya to return from the front. If she will return ofc :[


She might be my fav in this game.


Every week or so I come back to this post, in hopes that I can finally save twig. Very great game though! Love playing it

I have finish the game yesterday, I'm looking forward to future updates. I just wanted to mention the part where we feed Zenelith, an error appears on the screen. I also wanted to know if there will be more development with Gabe, and also, if there will be a Lori route.


played the entire game non stop it was really really good but i have a question

will the next updates continue the story ? the story is better than most of the games that i ever played i would like to see it continue 

for what i was thinking was going to be a cheesy adult game, the story was, as you said, really good and got me really invested. Hope to see the end of the story one day.


Sorry to ask, but when are we getting cheats back? It is mentioned somewhere that it was supposed to be in 1.4.2, but I didn't see in patch notes that it has been added and it's at 1.4.6. Any ETA? 


We are not adding cheats themselves back, but instead Easy Mode, which will functionally do the same but in a more controlled way so as to avoid bugs and game-breaking sequences.

We'll probably add that to 1.6 which should come out around April.

Well, hopefully that's as awesome as it sounds, thank you so much! 


I may have found an typo. When Boris says "Rem had to act quickly and he had the entire kingdom flee..." I think he should have said it was Rom. There maybe context I am missing, but my first impression is that this is a mistake.


I didn't know anybody even listened to Boris.


Just for lore, i think.

You're correct, that's my mistake. Thank you for noticing! :D

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